It’s important to know what attracts scorpions to your house if you want to keep these critters away. No one wants to see these intimidating arachnids where they live!
This guide will cover everything you need to know about what attracts arachnids, and how you can use this information to your advantage.
Table of Contents
1. Water
Like all living creatures, scorpions need water to survive. These arachnids can survive surprisingly long without water. Many can go for months without a single drop.
But at some point, they’ll need to rehydrate. Scorpions live in hot climates. They’re most commonly associated with deserts and areas with scorching heat. However, they can also reside in forests, barren mountaintops, and more!
On sweltering summer days, it’s not uncommon to see scorpions searching for water. Because houses have multiple sources of water, these areas attract scorpions. The arachnids might not immediately realize the presence of water, but all it takes is a leaking outside faucet to draw them in.
The slow drip of a faucet, a leaking pipe, and even condensation from an air conditioner can bring scorpions close to your home. Once they realize water is near, they’ll search for a way inside. In many cases, they go through pipes and other tiny openings.
Once you have a scorpion in your house, these pests will make their way to any room that holds moisture. The most common areas you’ll see scorpions are in bathrooms and kitchens. They tend to hang out near faucets and drains.
However, any leak in your house is fair game. Leaking pipes are perfect for scorpions. Not only do they have a constant supply of water, but those leaks often occur in areas you don’t typically see. They can happen behind walls, in basements, and more.
Expert Tip: Basement leaks are very common. Pair the water supply with the darkness and the general humidity, and it’s the perfect breeding ground that will attract scorpions from all over.
2. Food
In addition to water, scorpions are attracted to food. But it’s not traditional human food they’re looking to consume.
While other insects love to seek food remnants and crumbs, scorpions are strict carnivores. That means they don’t typically eat leftover human food. Instead, they look for other insects!
Scorpions feed on many different bugs. They prefer roaches, spiders, and centipedes. However, they can also eat flies, ants, and anything else they might encounter. More giant scorpions are particularly vicious. They can eat other scorpions, small lizards, and even tiny mice!
These creatures are surprisingly adept hunters. They use the cover of darkness to stay hidden in the shadows. While not the fastest pests around, scorpions do have the benefit of venom.
Scorpions use their stingers to inject venom into their prey. It immobilizes small insects almost instantly, giving the scorpion ample opportunity to feed.
So what does this mean for you?
If you spot any other bugs in your home, those could be attracting scorpions. It’s not easy to get rid of insect infestations, but it’s one of the best ways to ensure that scorpions don’t end up calling your house their home. If you spot roaches or any other typical scorpion food, these arachnids are sure to follow.
Even if you don’t have a current bug issue, you can do plenty to prevent future problems. Pick up any leftover food and wipe up messes as they occur. Use strong cleaning products to mask any scents that might stick around.
It doesn’t take much for bugs to detect the presence of food crumbs. While the scorpions aren’t keen on eating human food, the insects they prey on are. As a result, you need to be mindful of where you eat and how much good you sprinkle around your house.
Keep eating in the kitchen and dining room. Otherwise, you’ll bring in bugs and attract scorpions to your house.
3. Darkness
Scorpions love to move around in the dark. The arachnids are nocturnal. That means they prefer to be active once the sun goes down.
In the daytime, these critters will hole up in dark spaces to conserve energy. They remain relatively motionless as the sun beats down on their surroundings. As long as they have adequate sun coverage, they can wait things out and jump into action at night.
Here’s an interesting fact about scorpions: They glow under UV light. It’s one of the easiest ways to spot a scorpion in your home or property. Take a black light and shine it in the direction you think the scorpion is in.
You’ve found a pesky scorpion if you see a bright blue glow!
Scorpions are attracted to darkness because it keeps them safe from all the things that could cause them harm. That includes would-be predators, the sun’s heat, and light exposure.
These creatures will look for any rock or crevice to find solace from the sun in the wild. But your home likely has many more potential hiding spots the arachnid can use! They love to creep around quiet areas that don’t get a ton of human foot traffic.
You can often find them in dark corners, living under furniture, and behind curtains. If you have a basement, that’s even better! Dark basements are the perfect living spots for these pests. They can have free reign of the space even during the day. As long as the lights are out, they can stay active for however long they need.
Beyond the basement, you might see scorpions in windowless rooms, closets, near entryways, and any other spot that fulfills their needs.
Expert Tip: Bathrooms and laundry rooms are surprisingly popular with scorpions. Not only are they dark, but they have easy access to water and possible food.
4. Rotting Wood Or Leaves
Do you have a ton of leaves and trees on your property? If so, you could be attracting a decent number of scorpions.
Scorpions don’t have to live inside to wreak havoc on your life. They can also get cozy outside near potential entryways. When they live anywhere near your home, it’s only a matter of time before they come in for food and water. Not only that, but they could pose a threat to children and pets even as they live outdoors.
The first likely spot that might attract scorpions is a pile of wood or leaves. Maybe you have old firewood stacked up next to your home. Alternatively, you could have some decaying trees or fallen logs that Mother Nature is slowly reclaiming.
Whatever the case might be, those spots are perfect for scorpions.
Once again, it’s all about getting shelter from the light and possible predators. Wood piles often have many nooks and crannies for the arachnids to slip into. They can easily go undetected during the day, staying safe and comfortable even as the sun beats down from above.
The same goes for leaf piles. A ton of loose leaves is the perfect little resting area. The scorpions can go unnoticed.
If those areas are subject to moisture and rainfall, it’s even better. Decaying wood and leaves is like a goldmine for scorpions. Not only do those spots provide ample shelter, but they often attract bugs for them to eat.
If you’ve ever lifted a rotting log, you probably saw roaches, beetles, and other creepy crawlies scurry everywhere. That’s a feast for scorpions! All they have to do is sit back, wait, and snatch up prey as it comes to feed on the decaying wood.
The best way to stop attracting scorpions on your property is to dispose of yard debris. Pay close attention to the parts of your yard that live in constant shade. Underneath trees and around shrubbery are the worst offenders.
The lack of sunlight causes plants to die. When trees fall over, those shady areas quickly turn into an oasis for scorpions.
5. Cracks & Openings
When many people think of scorpions, they imagine these big, lobster-sized insects. While there are big scorpion species out there, most are relatively small. Before you breathe a sigh of relief, that small size makes it easy for scorpions to get into tight spaces.
Tiny cracks and crevices are no match for these arachnids. That’s what makes them so unpredictable. They can squeeze into openings that are only as thick as a credit card.
If you can slip a card into a crack in your foundation or the space between your door and its frame, scorpions can use that void to their advantage. It’s a creepy thought, but it shows just how capable these critters are.
You’d be surprised at how scorpions get into homes. Earlier, we said they could use pipes and leaks to meander their way into your domain. But some will even use your front door or windows.
Scorpions are notorious for slipping through common entryways. That tiny gap underneath your door or a small void in the window frame is more than enough room. But that’s not all.
These pests will also utilize the many openings used for utilities throughout your home’s exterior. We’re talking about holes made for telephone lines, media cables, and electrical lines. You could have a well-sealed opening full of caulk.
You might even have a finished plate, insulation, or a fancy wall covering to prevent bugs and pest animals from getting in. But once again, it only takes the tiniest of voids for scorpions to slip through.
Expert Tip: Don’t let their wide stance fool you! They can contort their bodies and slim down to get by.
The best thing you can do to secure your home is to seal up any gaps. Pay close attention to door and window frames. They might seem secure, but things can separate as a house settles.
If you can see daylight or feel a draft through your doors or windows, you need to take some caulk to seal it.
It’s also a good idea to hire an inspector to check other parts of your home. Have them inspect the foundation, wall siding, and any other potential choke points that scorpions can use to infiltrate your home.
Going the extra mile to seal your building up has its perks. Not only can you rest easy knowing that scorpions can’t get in, but your home will be much better insulated.
6. Debris & Clutter
Last but not least, let’s talk about clutter. Earlier, we mentioned that scorpions can be attracted to piles of wood and leaves. The reason for that preference was that the hiding space offered plenty of security and easy access to food.
Unfortunately, a similar preference exists inside your home. If you have tons of clutter lying on the floor, this will attract your scorpion as well. That mess might as well be a stack of wood outdoors. It serves almost the same purpose!
Clutter and standard home debris are full of tiny little nooks and crannies that scorpions can use to stay hidden. They’ll enter your home at night, see the junk lining the floors, and find a suitable spot to chill out once the sun goes up. Now, what happens if you pick up that pile of clothes or garbage?
There’s a good chance you’ll disturb the scorpion and find yourself on the nasty end of a painful sting! If you have a pet that does the same, the injury could be more than just a discomfort.
To avoid attracting scorpions to your house, pick up the mess! Take some time to do a deep cleaning of the house.
That means picking up any clothes you tossed aside and throwing away any trash accumulated on the floor. Do a complete spring cleaning and get rid of the clutter you don’t need.
Once you have that done, vacuum the floors and do what you can to tidy things up. Avoid letting clutter pile up in your home because the fewer hiding spots they can use, the better.
Expert Tip: While you’re at it, consider moving things around and vacuuming up those dark corners that haven’t seen the light of day in years. Doing so can give insects fewer places to hide, leading to less food for scorpions.
As you can see, once you know what attracts scorpions it becomes significantly easier to deal with them!
Let us know if you have any questions about the information in this guide. We’re always willing to help our readers.